Behind the Screens

Cyrsi Inladhwen

Eamon Bluefeather

Who is the person behind Cyrsi? Please tell us something about you.

Cyrsi Inladhwen

In spite of what may be the outward person, I’m actually quite a science-orientated individual. It’s always been where I have gravitated – my particular interest is in marine biology for the curious few. Of course, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t find so much joy through creative writing. Truly, I only begun writing when I entered WoX about two years ago – certainly making me with a vast amount still to learn! However, a website did say I write like Agatha Christie so surely, I’m doing something right…
Eamon Bluefeather

How did you find your way to World of Middle Earth?

Cyrsi Inladhwen

Well, I had actually been barely part of the WoX community for a month when I joined the development of WoME. At that point, I hadn't the foggiest who anyone was at the time I joined – likely vice versa too. It still had a long way to go before the doors were opened to public but I was lucky to have a friend to push me into the budding chaos (they even shoved me towards applying for my current job). So, no doubt I owe them a lot and always grateful to the door they opened. A worthwhile lesson too that you should always give something a chance even if you feel completely out of your depth.
Eamon Bluefeather

What do you love about Middle Earth the most?

Cyrsi Inladhwen

Most? A tough question! I feel like it would be completely biased to say the creatures but the truth is a far wider picture. I love how it is a complete universe of its own. There is so much to it that you can be an expert and still find out something new. Through that, it brings people together in sharing their love of the universe. So, I know this doesn't properly answer the question (sorry), I just adore how expansive and detailed it is.
Eamon Bluefeather

Do you and Cyrsi have things in common or are they 'from two different worlds'?

Cyrsi Inladhwen

One rule I have is that I try to exclude myself from the characters I create. I know what choices I would make based on set circumstances already so part of the fun for me is exploring how someone of a different nature would. We do share some traits such as our love for socialising, how deeply we cherish friendships, red seems to both be the colour that suits us best, we both lean towards filling our days with activity rather than staying in...oh, and not to mention fine wines :V

On the flip side, we have some quite strong differences. Mostly that Cyrsi is a morning bird and I couldn't be further from. I also don't think I could ever go into teaching - one of my character's greatest passions (though there is an overlap in our studies both containing animals). Her fashion is immensely different from mine - this can be credited to the world's we live in but I definitely don't like to portray my wealth through my attire. So, it isn't as black and white but more so the same as you and I: we're our own people.
Eamon Bluefeather

If you could meet a LotR-character, who would it be and what would you do?

Cyrsi Inladhwen

Hmm, I could say a million characters but probably Thranduil Arwen.
Eamon Bluefeather

Do you share characteristics with that character? Why do you want to meet him/her?

Cyrsi Inladhwen

I could never dream to be anywhere near as incredible as her. Just everything about her character is a masterpiece and I could easily spend days fascinated by her presence. She's the perfect combination of gently loving and ferocious badass. She's in control of her every action with meticulous thinking around every corner. The type of person who you can sit for a wonderful conversation with a cup of tea then ride into battle the next day. I'm forever in awe of her (Liv portrayed her character so so amazingly) and just cannot think of one reason why I wouldn't want to meet her!
Eamon Bluefeather

Which is your loveliest or even funniest LotR-related memory?

Cyrsi Inladhwen

I'll go with the instant answer for this which is the mix-up between orcs and orcas. Perhaps it tickled my humour being based around creatures but I still chuckle about it to this day. The thought of a thousand orcas charging into the battle for minas tirith is too good not to mention - even if I absolutely cannot take credit for this though I goblined permission to mention it.
Eamon Bluefeather

You are facing a cave troll, who just has knitting needles as weapons and is about to attack you, while you're equipped with a rusty steak knife. Who would win and why?

Cyrsi Inladhwen

Honestly, it would be the troll. I can't believe I'm writing the words that I would find myself defeated by a troll but there is so many possible outcomes but none of them are very good for me. The most likely are me going to attack but ending up injuring myself instead or simply just the troll giving me a good old punch. After all, you say "just has knitting needles" in complete awareness of the size of a troll. I would simply not stand a chance no matter how idiotic they are.
Eamon Bluefeather

Bag End, the woods of Lothlorien or Meduseld? Which one do you prefer to live and why?

Cyrsi Inladhwen

Lothlorien - no doubt about it. The woods are just entrancing and I could picture myself running through them for days. Plus, it's just gorgeous residences and endless things that I get infatuated by!
Eamon Bluefeather

Do you have a wish for the community and the future of WoME you want to share?

Cyrsi Inladhwen

Simply for it to keep continuing as it is. To keep on growing and blooming into the marvellous place that I adore. It's so incredible and I would never want this site to have anything other than endless successes. I love watching people join and develop their characters and selves to love WoME as much as I do. So, my wish is simply more of what we do best!
CODING BY Eamon Bluefeather