On This Day
17th March
Hey there! This article will be based on events that happened on this day but based on our wonderful fandom. I hope you can stick around and read it. Enjoy!

Battle of Dale
This is quite a big event within the Lord of the Rings series and it's one that takes place between March 17-20, 3019. This battle was fought between the Kingdom of Dale allied with the Dwarves of Erebor and the Iron Hills vs the Easterlings of Rhûn in the valley of Dale. The Easterlings seemed to be more of the successful team, driving the others back to where they came from. Even though the Easterlings won the battle, they still couldn't capture the gate, instead besieging the Mountain for many days. Unfortunately they had to stay here until the tides had changed which wasn't until they had heard news from Sauron's defeat. This battle was a major event in Lord of the Rings and had an impact on the whole film.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I hope you've found some useful information. I shall be back with another soon!

Daisy Sullivan
Steward of Announcers
coded by Issie