On This Day
21st April
Hey there! This article will be based on events that happened on this day but based on our wonderful fandom. I hope you can stick around and read it. Enjoy!

Gandalf returns to Dol Guldur
Unfortunately, I haven't been able to find a huge amount on this date, so we have two little events which will have to do for now. Hopefully next month we will have more to look at. So, on this date, Gandalf returns to Dol Guldur only to discover that the evil presence which has been searched for is Sauron, also known as the Dark Lord (No, not like Voldermort.) Gandalf also finds Thráin in the dungeons and he is given a map and also the key of the Lonely mountain. I'm sure he'll be able to do something useful with that. But, at well as this Thráin leaves to find this lonely mountain which is more than likely when the key will come in handy.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I hope you've found some useful information. I shall be back with another soon!

Daisy Sullivan
Steward of Announcers
coded by Issie