Filming Locations #2

Putangirua Pinnacles
These eroded pillars make up the Dimholt Road that Legolas, Aragorn and Gimli took when they first encountered the Army of the Undead. They're pretty large and impossible to miss. You can also hike and camp there; it has some wonderful scenery!

Skippers Canyon
Arwen washed away the pursuing ringwraiths right here in Skippers Canyon. There is a jet there which you can travel on and view this wonderful Lord of the Rings destination.

Deer Park Heights
This location was used for many scenes that were filmed in Rohan. Unfortunately the park has been closed. However, you can still take a walk up there to see what's left of it!

Twizel, also known as Gondor. You can re-enact the Battle of Pelennor Fields. Stab a ring wraith in the face like Eowyn and shout: “I am no man!” There is also a tour guide there who will happily answer questions for you. But, the real question is, who has more knowledge? ;)




Blog written by:

Daisy Redgrave
© By Mattie's Codes