Behind the Screens

Tobias Elkhart

Eamon Bluefeather

Tobias, who are you behind the screen? Please tell us a little bit about you!

Tobias Elkhart

Well, my name is not Tobias, hah! I live in the Netherlands, I am 26 years old, and I work at a company that helps people find jobs. I used to work for logistic customers but next year I'll start providing employees to universities and high schools, so I am very excited to make that step. I own two chinchilla's, my main hobby is knitting and writing, and Ío is my best friend irl.
Eamon Bluefeather

How did your journey on World of Middle Earth start?

Tobias Elkhart

Well, Io and I have been there from the start. I was still doing SoME when she became big blue, and then when she became big green, I applied for blue. We started out as teachers and I can tell you that I was there from BEFORE the funding part of the site.
Eamon Bluefeather

What's the best thing about WoME to you?

Tobias Elkhart

The way it is its own little universe, the way people invent characters and work with us… I love that sense of community.
Eamon Bluefeather

Honestly, your FC choice is incredible. But we're curious – Do you share something with Tobias in real life?

Tobias Elkhart

Pfooh, the name of my FC is Edward Holcroft, but I don't think I could compare myself to him or Tobias. He's tall, I am short, he's brown haired and I am blonde… mhh, I guess that if I compare myself to Toby's character, we're both introverts and perfectionists.
Eamon Bluefeather

Who is your most favourite LotR-character and if you could do something with him/her, what would you do?

Tobias Elkhart

My favourite LotR characters are Merry and Pippin and I'd love to have second breakfast with them!
Eamon Bluefeather

Tell us, which scene of the movies you'd love to experience yourself.

Tobias Elkhart

The arrival in Rohan!
Eamon Bluefeather

Which is your loveliest or even funniest WoME-related memory?

Tobias Elkhart

Hard to choose, but I think the plot with the battle against the giant octopus is one of my favourites. And Ío and Toby's wedding, of course.
Eamon Bluefeather

Which saying would describe yourself the best?

Tobias Elkhart

'Natura non constristatur' is my favourite saying. It generally means 'nature doesn't care'.
Eamon Bluefeather

Imladris, Minas Tirith or the Erebor - Which of these great places would be yours to live in and why?

Tobias Elkhart

Minas Tirith, I just love the bustling town
Eamon Bluefeather

Do you have a wish for the community and the future of WoME you want to share?

Tobias Elkhart

I so wish people would take more classes! We have so, so many lovely classes with lovely teachers that are just waiting to be made!
CODING BY Eamon Bluefeather