
Edition | 04


Yes, yes, as promised. I'm bringing you the teaser trailer! Might be a little late, and you might already have seen it, but why not share your opinions with us here on this blog?

First Teaser Trailer

It is indeed our first teaser trailer, and as the name already suggests it does not reveal too much yet. Nothing regarding the storyline, at least. But that is okay. It shows a lot of the characters we've already seen in the photos posted by Vanity Fair, but it is rather nice to know who they actually portray now.
Without further ado, please enjoy the teaser trailer link!

What is my opinion about this? It truly saddens me seeing so many people on the internet saying bad things about it. People often forget that the Lord of the Rings and the Silmarillion have two very different vibes. Whereas the Lord of the Rings gives more of an otherwordly, ethernal vibe with a good ending, the Silmarillion was actually pretty dark. It shows a raw side of Arda many people don't know about. The Silmarillion isn't a book that can be put into a film or series chapter by chapter. Just like we saw Jackson doing with the Hobbit movies, a lot of information was taken from the Appendixes, Unfinished Tales, etc. Tolkien's world is so vast. We have been given so much information, but to make such a series some creative freedom is needed, much like we are doing here with WoME.
I still think the series looks promising. It shows something that has not been shown before, something we do not see or read in the Hobbit or the Lord of the Rings. It shows us another side of things, a history many people do not know about. Of course, part of me is still frightened there will be parts of the series that will make Tolkien roll over in his grave, but you got to see it first to judge.

Let me know your thoughts!

Well, we've been given a lot of material to work with already, but I hope we're getting a proper trailer soon. Or maybe IMDB finally giving us a proper insight into all characters. Anything you'd like me to cover in the meantime? Don't hesitate to let me know!

- Sigrúnn Gilraen



Code by Yara
