
Edition | 07


There is a lot of new material popping up all over the internet regarding the new show, but unfortunately most is what we have already seen before. They really seem to like sharing the trailer or various variations of it, haha. Thankfully sometimes articles seem to pop up that give us new images. Today I'm excited to share some more with you!


We all know that Númenor will be a big part of the new Rings of Power show, but what is Númenor exactly? To put it simply, it was the kingdom of the Dúnedain. The island itself was raised from the sea by the Valar themselves and the beginning of the second age. It is located between Aman and Middle Earth.

It did not last too long, and I fear we might see the end of it in the show itself if I look at the timeline. We will have to see, but I would honestly be very interested in seeing the destruction of Númenor on the screen (does that make me a bad person? haha).

Alas, we were given some sneaky previews of Númenor in a recent article:




Spotting some architecture similar to the Citadel in Minas Tirith in the second picture, hah! Love that little touch. I'm curious to see more!

What are your thoughts? Let me know in the comments.

Should there be anything you're interested in me covering for these blogs, don't hesitate to reach out to me! Hopefully see you all soon again ;)

- Sigrúnn Gilraen



Code by Yara
