Alfrid: A Character Analysis


In the rich tapestry of J.R.R. Tolkien's Middle-earth, hobbits are often celebrated for their simplicity, courage, and unassuming nature. However, nestled within the pages of "The Hobbit," we encounter a character who deviates from these cherished traits: Alfrid the Hobbit. While not a central figure in Tolkien's narrative, Alfrid adds depth to the story, embodying qualities of self-interest, cowardice, and opportunism. In the last Hobbit movie, "The Battle of the Five Armies," Alfrid's character arc reaches its zenith, offering a compelling exploration of hobbit behavior outside the norm.

Who is Alfrid the Hobbit?

Alfrid, often referred to as "Alfrid the Hobbit," serves as the Master of Lake-town's sycophantic aide. From the outset, Alfrid's motivations are clear: self-preservation and personal gain. Unlike Bilbo Baggins, the quintessential hobbit hero of the story, Alfrid lacks any semblance of altruism or bravery. Instead, he embodies the antithesis of hobbit virtues, prioritizing his own comfort and safety above all else.

Alfrid's story

Throughout the narrative, Alfrid's actions consistently reflect his opportunistic nature. In the last Hobbit movie, his manipulation of the Master's authority showcases his willingness to exploit any situation for his benefit. Alfrid cunningly ingratiates himself with those in power, using flattery and deceit to maintain his position within Lake-town's hierarchy. His allegiance lies not with noble causes or righteous deeds but with whoever holds the reins of power at any given moment.


However, despite his knack for survival and self-interest, Alfrid's character is ultimately defined by his cowardice. When faced with adversity, he consistently chooses the path of least resistance, betraying allies and abandoning principles to save his own skin. In the climactic battle scenes of "The Battle of the Five Armies," Alfrid's cowardice is laid bare as he flees from danger, leaving others to face the consequences of his actions. His behavior stands in stark contrast to the courage and camaraderie exhibited by the story's true heroes.

What does Alfrid's story tell?

Nevertheless, Alfrid's portrayal in the last Hobbit movie offers more than just a cautionary tale of moral bankruptcy. Within his flawed character lies a reflection of human nature's capacity for both selfishness and survival. Alfrid serves as a reminder that even in a world of fantastical creatures and epic quests, there exists a spectrum of personalities, each driven by their own desires and fears.


In conclusion, Alfrid the Hobbit serves as a compelling character study within Tolkien's Middle-earth mythology. His portrayal in the last Hobbit movie, "The Battle of the Five Armies," offers a nuanced exploration of hobbit behavior outside the conventional archetype. Through his actions, Alfrid embodies the traits of self-interest, cowardice, and opportunism, providing a counterpoint to the noble virtues celebrated among his kin. Despite his flaws, Alfrid remains a captivating figure, reminding readers and viewers alike of the complexity inherent within the human (or hobbit) psyche.

code by: Íona Draugrîs