Filming Locations #1

Mount Ngauruhoe: Mount Doom
This beautiful location is in New Zealand and is known to be one of the most day walks in the country. It is found in Tongariro National Park and you can get a great look of some of the other wonderful locations whilst you're there.

Usually, when you google "Where was Lord of the Rings filmed," this would be the most common result. This is a real place and you can actually have a drink at the Green Dragon Inn. This place is located in Matamata, Waikato, North Island.

Kawarau Gorge
See the same gorge, otherwise known as the Anduin River, that the Fellowship of the Ring paddled down to be greeted by the two giant statues on either side on the river. Sadly, the statues were added in after the films had been filmed.

Mt Sunday
This beautiful location is in Canterbury and is used as the backdrop for Edoras; also known as the capital of Rohan.You can either drive through or take a fancy Lord of the Rings tour whilst you're there. Pretty snazzy, right?




Blog written by:

Daisy Redgrave
© By Mattie's Codes