On This Day
22nd june
Hey there! This article will be based on events that happened on this day but based on our wonderful fandom. I hope you can stick around and read it. Enjoy!

Bilbo's return the shire
On this day, June 22nd TA 2942 this was when Bilbo Baggins returned back to the shire with the ring. Soon after he had come back, because of how long he had been gone, most people who'd known him had declared him as dead. Man, he must've been gone quite some time. Surely they would've sent someone out to search for him? However, now that he had returned home, the ring was never to be spoken about again. Although, I sure hope that people were glad to see him rather than worrying about the ring. Imagine how he would've felt if all the people cared about was the ring and now how he was.

Thank you for taking the time to read this blog. I hope you've found some useful information. I shall be back with another soon!

Daisy Sullivan
Steward of Announcers
coded by Issie