Hello everyone! For those who don't know me, I'm Elena Bringstar and I'm the new announcer!


So from now on, you will regularly have more notification news from me!


When I say news ... I should rather say entertainment! Because you will have tests, but also news from the fandom, interviews with the staff ...


Get ready, and I hope you enjoy it all!


Did you always want to know which weapon you are ? No ? Anyway, do this test !

First question : When you wake up, what is your first think ?
A. Oh, yes ! Another beautiful day today !
B. Super, I'm going to spend time with my friends !
C. What have I to do today ? I have to wake up quickly for realize all !

Second question : Your favorite drink is...
A. Coffee is perfect for me.
B. Hot chocolate, of course !
C. Tea, the best drink ever !

Third question : And your favorite piece of jewelry ?
A. A ring is small but splendid !
B. A bracelet, there is nothing better.
C. A necklace is so beautiful !

Fourth question : In a tavern, you see a fight, how do you react ?
A. I try to understand why there is a fight.
B. I leave. I prefer not to put myself in danger!
C. I'll help those who look nice.

Fifth question : If you could transform yourself into an animal, which would you prefer ?
A. For the discretion, a fox is better !
B. I would choose a bird, perfect to hide myself !
C. A horse, powerful and beautiful.

Results :

Most of A : You are a dagger ! You are ambitious and discreet.
Most of B : You are a shield ! You are rather introverted and protective.
Most of C : You are a sword ! You are outgoing, and really not shy.

So what weapon are you ? Tell me your results in the comments !

Elena Bringstar