A Special Gift from your Announcers' Guild!
A new year calls for gifts and here's ours!

- From : Caine Jendryng

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Hujuk Murjuk

Hujuk Murjuk I'm Caine

Hurgus Ironfist

Hurgus Ironfist Bhahah, I'm the imposter Caine!

Manjula Kapoor

Manjula Kapoor I got Hurgus! (what happens if the management takes this . . . xD)

Leilana Carlysle

Leilana Carlysle Apparently I'm Kalaethen >:3

Jadros Felgrom

Jadros Felgrom I got Hurgus XD

Íona Draugrîs

Íona Draugrîs I am Tobias, haha!

Sara Kiser

Sara Kiser I got Morwen!

Susie Ballylaw

Susie Ballylaw Oooh it says I am kind like Íona!

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